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Appraiser External Feedback Guidelines
International Youth Work Trainers Guild
#Integrates feedback and maintains or recovers their own emotional balance afterwards , #Acknowledging and dealing with unexpected learning moments and outcomes, #Undergoing personal/ professional development through feedback, #Identifying learning objectives and pursuing them pro-actively, #Asks for feedback, #Assessing one’s own learning achievements and competences, #Reflects on the learning process, #Applies the concept of competence in a learning context , #Shows willingness to learn from others, even those who might hold different values and worldviews, #Understands the values and mechanisms of feedback, #Gives, receives and integrates feedback in a constructive way
Learning to learn
International Youth Work Trainers Guild
#Undergoing personal/ professional development through feedback, #Understands the values and mechanisms of feedback, #Gives, receives and integrates feedback in a constructive way, #Asks for feedback, #Shows willingness to learn from others, even those who might hold different values and worldviews, #Integrates feedback and maintains or recovers their own emotional balance afterwards
Learning to learn
International Youth Work Trainers Guild
#Undergoing personal/ professional development through feedback, #Understands the values and mechanisms of feedback, #Gives, receives and integrates feedback in a constructive way, #Asks for feedback, #Shows willingness to learn from others, even those who might hold different values and worldviews
Learning to learn
International Youth Work Trainers Guild
#Undergoing personal/ professional development through feedback, #Understands the values and mechanisms of feedback, #Gives, receives and integrates feedback in a constructive way, #Asks for feedback, #Shows willingness to learn from others, even those who might hold different values and worldviews
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union