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Berem Žive knjige // I read Living books

Prejemnik_ica te značke se je:
  • Spoznal_a metodo žive knjižnice
  • Delil_a svoje mnenje o slišanih zgodbah, zadevah, temah, vrednotah.

Projekt vodi Mreža CONNECT INTERNATIONAL iz Bruslja, ki povezuje mednarodne partnerske organizacije iz Belgije, Srbije, Grčije, Slovenije, Bosne in Hercegovine, Severne Makedonije in Španije. Slovenska partnerja v projektu sta Zavod TiPovej in Javni Zavod Mladi Zmaji.


The recipient of this badge is:
  • Learned about the living library method
  • Watched a DOCUMENTARY FILM created for the project EUROPEAN LIVING LIBRARY project and
  • Shared his/hers opinion on the stories, issues, topics, and values represented in the film.

The project is led by the CONNECT INTERNATIONAL Network from Brussels, which connects international partner organisations from Belgium, Serbia, Greece, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Spain. Slovenian partners in the project are Zavod TiPovej and Public Institute Mladi Zmajih.

Taak nr.1
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Poglej si dokumentarni film in podeli svoje mnenje o slišanih zgodbah. Lahko si pomagaš s spodnjimi vprašanji:
  • Kdo ti je najbolj ostal v spominu? Zakaj?
  • Katera zgodba te je presenetila? Zakaj?
  • Če bi ti uvedel_a politično spremembo - kaj bi to bilo?
  • Kaj tebi pomeni biti "mlad", biti "migrant" biti "starejša oseba", ali "enakost spolov"?
  • Če bi sodeloval na dogodku Žive knjižnice - kaj bi bila tvoja zgodba? Zakaj?
  • Katere zgodbe ni v filmu, pa bi te zanimala?


Watch the documentary film and share your opinion about the stories you hear. You can help yourself with the questions below:
  • Who did you remember the most? Why?
  • Which story surprised you? Why?
  • If you could introduce a political change - what would it be?
  • What does it mean to you to be "young", to be a "migrant" to be an "elderly person", or "gender equality"?
  • If you were to participate in a Living Library event - what would your story? Why?
  • Which story is not in the movie, but would you be interested in?
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Šola za lajf
EUROPEAN LIVING LIBRARY - Dokumentarni film // Documentary film
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