This playlist was inspired by a partnership within the project “Connected cities of learning” and was made during a study visit event in Ljubljana by very awesome participants from Cagliari (Italy) and Ljubljana (Slovenia).
In this playlist you will find a holiday gift of learning with love to our platform users.
Activities of Playlist are short lessons which will give you an opportunity to learn quick skill (up to 10 minutes) and to gain an open badge.
Suoritettavat aktiviteetit
Suorita seuraavat toimet, ansaitse merkkejä ja näet soittolistan edistymisen päivitettynä
We will learn more about the relaxation techniques, about daily "doses" of meditation which take just a few minutes. You can use visualisation techniques at the beginning of your day, in the middle, while staying in line at the post office, waiting for bus or at the end of the day, just before going to sleep.
Badgecraft isännöi tätä alustaa ja kehittää sitä yhdessä johtavien koulutusorganisaatioiden kanssa. Euroopan unionin Erasmus+ -ohjelmasta myönnettiin osarahoitusta tämän foorumin ensimmäisen version rakentamiseen. Ota yhteyttä