
Connecting cities of learning: The International Training activity


Connecting cities of learning: The International Training activity



On behalf of the team of Cities and Regions of Learning we are glad to invite you to participate in the international training activity ‘Connecting Cities of Learning in Europe’. The initiative introduces two online platforms called "Ljubljana city of learning" and "Cagliari Metropolitan city of learning." Both platforms allow young people to easily search through numerous out-of-school programs based on their interests in their cities.
The training course serves as an opportunity for organisations from Ljubljana and Cagliari to learn to examine and analyze the needs of young people in their cities, map the learning opportunities and link them to digital badges and make the most use of the platform.
The training course consists of a number of activities that will be held in Ljubljana from 13th to 16th of December 2021. The training course aims to present the results of the research already carried out and an action plan for the next steps of the initiative; map education providers and link learning opportunities with the needs and interests of young people; learn and upgrade digital badge knowledge; discussion partnership opportunities and evaluation.
Within the training course, there will be a public event (“Open Day”) for interested stakeholders, learning providers and other parties. The participants will be able to get acquainted with the project team, the planned activities and the end results - the interactive maps for the Ljubljana and Cagliari learning sites.

Baigti renginius

Atlikite šias veiklas, gaukite ženkliukus ir pamatysite grojaraščio progresą
Connecting cities of learning: Let's meet
2 valandos 20 minučių
Peržiūrėti visą veiklą


On behalf of the team of Cities and Regions of Learning we are glad to invite you to participate in the international training activity ‘Connecting Cities of Learning in Europe’. The initiative introduces two online platforms called "Ljubljana city of learning" and "Cagliari Metropolitan city of learning." Both platforms allow young people to easily search through numerous out-of-school programs based on their interests in their cities.
The training course serves as an opportunity for organisations from Ljubljana and Cagliari to learn to examine and analyze the needs of young people in their cities, map the learning opportunities and link them to digital badges and make the most use of the platform.
The training course consists of a number of activities. During the current activity, the participants have a chance to visit a bus transformed into a youth centre. The initiative is a joint venture of the Mladi Zmeji and the Ljubljanski Potniški Promet (LPP) municipal enterprise.
During the second part of the session, participants overview what was explored during the week, discuss future opportunities and evaluate the training course.


  • Evaluation form

Gauk veiklos ženkliuką

Connecting cities of learning: Evaluation Gauk šį ženkliuką

On behalf of the team of Cities and Regions of Learning we are glad to invite you to participate in the international training activity ‘Connecting Cities of Learning in Europe’. The initiative introduces two online platforms called "Ljubljana city of learning" and "Cagliari Metropolitan city of learning." Both platforms allow young people to easily search through numerous out-of-school programs based on their interests in their cities.
The training course serves as an opportunity for organisations from Ljubljana and Cagliari to learn to examine and analyze the needs of young people in their cities, map the learning opportunities and link them to digital badges and make the most use of the platform.
The training course consists of a number of activities. During the current activity, the participants have a chance to visit a bus transformed into a youth centre. The initiative is a joint venture of the Mladi Zmeji and the Ljubljanski Potniški Promet (LPP) municipal enterprise.
During the second part of the session, participants overview what was explored during the week, discuss future opportunities and evaluate the training course.
Norėdami gauti ženkliuką, turite atlikti 1 užduotį
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: pats patvirtino
Participate in the activity
Užduotis nr.2
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Please evaluate the international training activity ‘Connecting Cities of Learning in Europe’.


Resljeva cesta 18, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


#turizmo poveikis aplinkai
#bendradarbiauti naudojantis skaitmeninėmis technologijomis
#elektroninis mokymasis
#kūrybiškai naudoti skaitmenines technologijas
#informacinės ir ryšių technologijos (IRT)
#plėtoti skaitmeninį turinį
Renginiai: 7
Pradėta: 13
Pabaigė grojaraštį: 2
Laikas pabaigti: 17 valandų 5 minutės


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