
Social participation

Tønsberg, Norway

Social participation

Tønsberg, Norway


Gauk veiklos ženkliuką

Social participation Gauk šį ženkliuką

How do you participate in your local community?
This badge is about reflecting on your participation in your society and community, seeing an example of a type of participation, and how individual participation from many people turns into a social participation.
Jūs turite užbaigti visas užduotis norint gauti ženkliuką
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Participate in activity!
You are given a post-it. Write a skill you would like to have on your note.

How could you give yourself this skill or is there anyone you could cooperate with who might have a similar skill?
Užduotis nr.2
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Reflect on your possibility to participate in your community or municipality and ask others about the opportunities they know about.

What is one opportunity you could think of, and what is one opportunity someone else told you about that you did not think of?
Užduotis nr.3
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Your group have to finish a puzzle inside of a frame. The group have to stay by the frame, but one participant can go get a puzzle piece from the box ten meters away. Besides the box is a picture of what the puzzle is supposed to look like. Choose one piece and try to remember where it is supposed to go inside the frame. When the piece is put in place inside the frame, a new participant can continue with a new piece.

Add a picture of the finished product.


Tønsberg, Norway


#asmeninis tobulėjimas
#dalyvauti treniruotėse
Pilietinis įsitraukimas
Pridėjo į grojaraštį (1)
Laikas pabaigti: 15 minučių


Vestfold og Telemark Fylkeskommune

Panaudota grojaraščiuose

Challenge accepted: PARTICIPATION
Vestfold og Telemark Fylkeskommune
Sukurta Vestfold og Telemark
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