
Facilitator’s roles and stance


Facilitator’s roles and stance



The Latin word for “easy” is facilis and facilitation is therefore “the act of making something easier”. In the non formal education context, a facilitator of learning makes it easier for learners to go through the process of learning and self-discovery.
It is important to highlight, however, that Easy means ‘easier to learn’, but not necessarily ‘easy learning’.
To understand the roles and competences of facilitators of learning in non formal education settings, we invite you to explore the European Training Strategy competence model for trainers to work internationally and, in particular, one specific competence area: Facilitating Learning.

This will give you a pretty good idea about the role of a facilitator and support you in exploring their core ‘stances’ (roles combined with the core attitudes.
As an outcome of a YOCOMO Training for Trainers process, the following stance was identified:
  • Meeting people where they are (Meeting people in their context and in their own strength)
  • Respectful (Respecting each person’s role and limitations, strengthening their dignity)
  • Non-judgmental (Withdrawing from own judgements and ‘I know better’, staying omni-partial)
  • Useful, not helpful (Being useful for development of the person and the system as a whole; helpful puts me in the higher position than the other person)
  • Being a reflective practitioner (Being able to reflect on own actions, and their impact on the groups you work with)
  • Holding space (Holding space for development and change to happen, when working with groups)

How does that resonate with you and your training practice?

In order to explore this question further, we invite you to take part in an activity that will support you in identifying your stance through different training situations and possible responses to them. The activity is not about right and wrong answers, but rather about exploring the possibilities and understand yourselves better as a facilitator
The activity consists of 6 situations from a non formal education training context. Each situation offers 4 different possible solutions. There are no right or wrong solutions, but rather those that you feel are closer to your own stance, as a facilitator. After each choice, you have a slide explaining the stance that is related to the training situation.

To join the activity, simply scan the QR code below or click on this link: Once you are done, come back to this page to check the overview of answers from the different learners as well.
You can find the results showing choices of other participants on this link.

This activity supports trainers’ competence development in the "Facilitating Learning" area. Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for trainers to work internationally.
Competence: Creating a safe, inspiring learning environment. In particular:
  • Supports and encourages/confronts the group and/or learner in a way that is useful for the group/learner.
  • Empathises with the group and shares emotions and insights honestly and respectfully

Want to endorse (?) our organisation, this activity and/or badge - send us an email! Contact us at for further questions.

Gauk veiklos ženkliuką

Facilitator’s roles and stance Gauk šį ženkliuką

The badge earner has become familiar with the facilitator’s roles and stance and explored their own stance and the ways of how to improve it. To get this badge, trainer:

  • Reflected on their stance in particular training situations, compared them with other trainer colleagues and made plans on how to improve their own stance.

Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for trainers to work internationally.

Learning duration: 1 hour
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Complete the activity that will support you in identifying your stance through different training situations and possible responses to them by clicking on the following link:

After you complete the activity, follow this link to check how other trainers have identified their stance

Reflect on the following and share in the badge evidence:
  1. How was it to identify your own stance? How well do you know yourself as a trainer across the different situations?
  2. How do you ‘stand’ compared to other trainers? Where are the similarities and where are the differences?
  3. Would you like to improve your stance in any of the given situations? If so, what are the concrete steps you can take in order to do so?


#Creating a safe, inspiring learning environment
#Supports and encourages/confronts the group and/or learner in a way that is useful way for the group/learner
#Empathises with the group and shares emotions and insights honestly and respectfully
Facilitating learning processes
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Laikas pabaigti: 1 valanda


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