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Befriend with the machines


Befriend with the machines



21st century skills are a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits and character qualities to ensure well-being, participation and employment that are needed in our nowadays rapidly changing society. Befriend with the machines is one of the skills zones that are part of the 21st century skills. Befriend the machine skills need to be continuously increased, improved and changed due to the fast technology developments.

Peer-interviews with young people showed that not everybody is aware of their technical and digital skills, knowledge and attitude that they are using daily, neither are young people always aware that there are a lot opportunities that can help to develop Befriend the machine skills. Technical innovation development is fast, imaganing what 2030 will look like, will help in knowing what skills you need to devlop. Many young people can learn from friends, from games, from sports, from employers and so on.

In this learning playlist you will find 2 businesses (Warp VR and Hoffmann) that share their work and expertice concering the Befriend with the Machine skills zone. Also they have 2 challenges for you to respond at. This will make your Befriend with the Machine skills awareness grow.
Another highlight of this learning playlist is the opportunity to take part in the Mozilla Festival workshop and designing an learning activity for young people. We invite you in this activity to think about something technical or digital that has your interest and then think how you can share your knowledge, skill or attitude with young people so the awareness of the Befriend the machine skills zone will grow.

The future ready activity will let you think about the future, what will it look like? This will give you an idea what to prepare for so you already you can start learning not only for what you need to have for skills today, but more over, which skills you would need to have tomorrow, so you know how to create your learning path.

The Befriend with the machines learning playlist is part of the projects Digital Generation Youth and Cities of learning, youth co-design learning, civic and career pathways where the skill zone Befriend the machine is one of topics that will be spoken about among young people.

Feel free to complete all activities or just 1, you are the one that creates your own learning path! For each activity you can earn an open badge.When you finish all activities you will earn the learning playlist open badge. You can share these open badges for example at your CV.

Most of all, enjoy learning!

Activiteiten om te voltooien

Voltooi de volgende activiteiten, verdien badges en je zult de voortgang van je playlist zien
MozillaFestival: Befriend with the Machines - awareness campaign
3 uren
Bekijk volledige activiteit


What does the world in 2030 look like? Machines are getting smarter. Some of them will work for you, sometimes you’ll work for them - or even with them. More and more, you’ll work side by side to get things done. Which skills do young people need to master to create human-machine collaboration?

Take part in the workshop Befriend with the machines during Mozfest and imagine the future during chats with other interested people, which skills will be necessary to be ready for the future? Connected with this online gathering you can find collaboration partners to design and share original art, music, games, and stories that will support young people to imagine the future. Your art, music, game or story will be published at the Cities of Learning Platform so other young people can use your resources. Learn and at the same time raise young people’s awareness about human-machine collaboration.

Who will you find at this workshop? Everyone interested is welcome! But mainly you can gather with artists, activists, technologists, advocates, students, and journalists with a single mission: a better, healthier internet. We are specially focussing at young people and innovative tech businesses who want to learn from each other. But as said... everyone interested is welcome.

Mozfest is Mozilla’s largest public facing event, taking place online and in Amsterdam in 2021 from March 8th to March 19th. The festival provides a platform for communities, city governments and global organisations to connect, share their work and collaborate. MozFest is a unique hybrid: part art, tech and social gathering, part maker festival, and the premier gathering for activists in global movements fighting for a humane digital world.

1. More information about the workshop: at Tuesday 16 March from 18.00 - 19.00 CET (Amsterdam time)
2. Register as soon as possible for the workshop via the 'Register now' button. Tickets are free, unless you volunteer to pay a certain amount.
3. Be online 15 minutes before start of workshop, so we can figure out technical challenges.

Ontvang een activiteitenbadge

Mozilla Festival: Befriend with the machines - online workshop Behaal deze badge

What does the world in 2030 look like? Machines are getting smarter. Some of them will work for you, sometimes you’ll work for them - or even with them. More and more, you’ll work side by side to get things done. Which skills do young people need to master to create human-machine collaboration?

The holder of this badge took part in the workshop Befriend with the machines during Mozfest 2021 and imagined the future, which skills will be necessary to be ready for the future? Artists, activists, technologists, advocates, students, and journalists from all over the world with a single mission: a better, healthier internet were gathering during this workshop to learn about the necessary future skills.

Mozfest is Mozilla’s largest public facing event, taking place online and in Amsterdam in 2021 from March 8th to March 19th. The festival provides a platform for communities, city governments and global organisations to connect, share their work and collaborate. MozFest is a unique hybrid: part art, tech and social gathering, part maker festival, and the premier gathering for activists in global movements fighting for a humane digital world.
Taak nr.1
Uitgegeven door organisator of door scannen van QR code
Participate in the workshop at 16 March 2021


#analytisch denken
#sensoren modelleren
#digitale communicatie en samenwerking
#sociaal bewustzijn promoten
#toekomstige capaciteitsvereisten plannen
Activiteiten: 8
Gestart: 14
Voltooide playlist: 0
Tijd om te voltooien: 6 uren 45 minuten


Tilburg City of Learning
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