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A Gift of Learning


A Gift of Learning



This playlist was inspired by a partnership within the project “Connected cities of learning” and was made during a study visit event in Ljubljana by very awesome participants from Cagliari (Italy) and Ljubljana (Slovenia).
In this playlist you will find a holiday gift of learning with love to our platform users.
Activities of Playlist are short lessons which will give you an opportunity to learn quick skill (up to 10 minutes) and to gain an open badge.

Activiteiten om te voltooien

Voltooi de volgende activiteiten, verdien badges en je zult de voortgang van je playlist zien
Happy Christmas in Slovene language
10 minuten
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This activity will guide you through the steps of cooking the perfect "Spaghetti con le arselle" (pasta with clams) from Sabrina's kitchen, in Sardinia.
These are the ingredients you'll need: spaghetti n.3 (spaghetti not too thin, not too thick) arselle (fresh clams) aglio (garlic) olio evo (extra-virgin olive oil) prezzemolo (parsley) sale (salt) mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco (half a glass of white wine)
Here is how you do it!
First step: you need to clean the clams. To do that, 3-4 hours before cooking, put the whole clams in a big bowl filled with salted water (or sea water, if you can find it). Leave them there to purge for 3-4 hours, changing the water at least 2 times in the meantime. This process is needed to get rid of impurities and sand from the clams, so don't skip it!
Then, let's cook. Rinse the clams and get rid of the water, then throw them in a big pan on the stove, set on a high flame, and cook uncovered for a few minutes until you notice the clams opening up. Take them off the heat when they're all open and put them on the side. Filter the cooking juices and keep it on the side for later. Take the clams, and keep one third with the shell and get rid of the shells for the remaining two thirds. Keep them aside. At this point, start the pasta water: fill a big pot with water and put it on the stove, covered, to boil. In the same pan (now empty) where you cooked the clams add some olive oil, minced garlic and chopped parsley. Light the stove, this time on low heat not to burn the garlic, and add all the clams, with and without shells, when the garlic starts sizzling a bit and you can smell it in the air. Don't wait too long or the garlic will burn! Cover the pan and wait 5-6 minutes. After about six minutes, take the lid off, put the stove on high flame and add the wine, letting the alcohol evaporate with no lid on the pan. When the wine is evaporated enough, it takes just a few moments, turn off the heat. In the meantime, the pasta water should be reaching boiling point. Now salt the pasta water (usa coarse salt but not too much, cause the clams are already salty) and when the water is boiling again, throw in the spaghetti. Look at the cooking time on the pasta box and cook for 2-3 minutes less: the pasta will have to finish cooking in the pan. When the pasta is cooked as per these directions, drain it and add it to the pan with the clams. Add also at this point the reserved cooking juices from the clams. Toss the pasta with the clams on medium heat for 2-3 minutes and then turn off the heat and, if you'd like, add a little olive oil to taste before serving.
Additional ideas: if you like it spicy, you can use chili flavoured oil instead of normal olive oil in the cooking process. If you like and can get your hands on some bottarga (a typical fish product, made from dessicated mullet eggs), you can also grate some on top of the final product at the end.
Enjoy with a glass of good white wine!


  • Suggested white wine to use
  • Bottarga (whole)

Ontvang een activiteitenbadge

Arselle master Behaal deze badge

The owner of this badge has learned how to cook perfect "Spaghetti con arselle" with Sabrina's special recipe from Cagliari, Sardinia.
Taak nr.1
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
To earn this badge, show us your work! Upload a picture of your plate of Spaghetti con le arselle (pasta with clams) and let us know how it tasted!


#vis schelp- en schaaldieren bereiden
#geometrische afmetingen en toleranties interpreteren
#materie observeren
#kooktechnieken gebruiken
#kunstwerken maken
#nieuwsgierigheid tonen
#nieuwe recepten creëren
#somatisch geïntegreerde modaliteiten
#aanleren van gesproken taal begeleiden
#creatief denken
#recepten samenstellen
Activiteiten: 7
Gestart: 7
Voltooide playlist: 0
Tijd om te voltooien: 2 uren 45 minuten


Ljubljana City of Learning
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