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Take up the challenge

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Take up the challenge



Take up Challenges

Facing challenges is never easy. There are some real challenges many of us face – at work, at home, in relationships, with money, with family, in the world, and much more. When it comes to dealing with difficulty, the question in life isn’t whether or not we’ll face challenges. The question is, what will we do and how will we respond when they arise. On our path of life, growth, and success, we all encounter difficulties. The road to success is full of lessons from failure, making mistakes, and facing challenges. You cannot succeed if you don’t experience failure. It’s how you deal with failure that determines how successful you can be.

Challenges can be amazing learning experiences – things that force you to grow and change. Many of the most successful and fulfilled people who’ve ever walked the planet have faced incredible obstacles. But they learned how to make a comeback, after they fell.
Our ability to appreciate difficulties, learn from them, and use them to our advantage gives us an important insight into who we are and how to create success and fulfillment consciously and deliberately.

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Soldier on Obțineți această insignă

Informații despre insignăValidări
The holder of this badge has worked independently and in collaboration with peers at the skill to cope or manage in the face of hardship or adversity, which connects with Taking the initiatieve in the area Into action (foundation level) of Entrecomp, the European Entrepreneurial Competence framework to improve the entrepreneurial capacity of European citizens and organisations.
Following the learning activities which target the above skills will lead to your gaining of the Soldier on Badge

How the holder of this badge worked on these skills can be seen in the evidence in the badge tasks.
Adult educators have assessed the completed tasks.
Task no.1
Emisă de organizator sau prin scanarea codului QR
Make a list of some of the biggest challenges in your life right now. Answer these questions
about them:
  • What can you appreciate about each of these difficulties?
  • What are you learning from them?
Task no.2
Emisă de organizator sau prin scanarea codului QR
Step 1: Google and write down a list of strategies for facing challenges

You can also visit also WikiHow: Takling the problem
  • Accept that this challenge is happening.
  • Take action.
  • Evaluate the facts.
  • Take account of what you have.
  • Find more information.
  • Look at all possibilities.
  • Communicate, communicate, communicate.
  • Look for a mentor.
  • Keep trying until you find a solution.

Step 2: Reflect on the strategy list and try to solve one of your challenges.
Pregătire pentru carieră și loc de muncă
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Network of Cities and Regions of Learning

Used in playlists

Into action
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
Creat pe Rotterdam City of Learning
Badgecraft găzduiește această platformă și o dezvoltă împreună cu organizații educaționale de top. Programul Uniunii Europene Erasmus+ a acordat cofinanțare pentru construirea primei versiuni a acestei platforme. Contactați
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