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Digital Team Building

Monio g. 49a, 21343 Daugirdiškės, Lithuania
Prezentare generalăInsigneValidări

Digital Team Building

Monio g. 49a, 21343 Daugirdiškės, Lithuania


🙌 Gather your team and get ready for some missions linked to digital transformation and digital technology.

💎 Each mission you complete will give you a chance to earn a badge. Go to the Badge task to see what is the mission.
👏 The main goal is for all team members to earn at least 4 out of 5 mission badges and unlock the special Digital Team Building badge. Also, earning the main badge will get you your first lunch at this training venue.
Get ready for the adventure!

We will give you a suggested order of activities to help avoid crowds, making it easier for everyone to participate.

Obțineți insigna de activitate


Digital Team Building Obțineți această insignă

Informații despre insignăValidări
You have to get 4 badges from the list below
I took part in the team-building mission together with my peer learners and I accomplished at least 4 out 5 tasks linked to digital tools, digital transformation, and digital creativity.

This badge was earned in the context of Training for Trainers on Digital Competences, which took place in Lithuania on 4 - 10 July 2024.
Task no.1
Emisă de organizator sau prin scanarea codului QR
👉 Complete at least 4 missions and earn at least 4 other badges (out of 5) to get this Digital Team Building Badge!
When you receive this badge, you can still add evidence to it.
It can be your reflection and gained learning from the missions you accomplished together with your teammates.


Monio g. 49a, 21343 Daugirdiškės, Lithuania


#build effective cross-group cooperation
#keep up with digital transformation of industry
Cooperating successfully in teams
Adăugat la lista de redare (0)
Time to complete: 1oră


Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
Badgecraft găzduiește această platformă și o dezvoltă împreună cu organizații educaționale de top. Programul Uniunii Europene Erasmus+ a acordat cofinanțare pentru construirea primei versiuni a acestei platforme. Contactați
Schimbați într-o altă limbă:
Cofinanțat de programul Erasmus+ al Uniunii Europene
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