
Community Learning Initiative


Community Learning Initiative



Objective Analysis: This activity underscores the power of community-driven projects in showcasing the practical value of education. It emphasizes collaboration, planning, and the impact of localized learning initiatives.
Detailed Description: Teams design and deliver workshops tailored to their community's needs, focusing on themes like digital literacy or civic education. This hands-on approach fosters teamwork and project management skills. The documentation process, including photos and testimonials, highlights the tangible benefits of the initiative while encouraging participants to assess the workshop's effectiveness and areas for improvement.

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Community Learning Initiative Get this badge

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Objective Analysis: This activity underscores the power of community-driven projects in showcasing the practical value of education. It emphasizes collaboration, planning, and the impact of localized learning initiatives.
Detailed Description: Teams design and deliver workshops tailored to their community's needs, focusing on themes like digital literacy or civic education. This hands-on approach fosters teamwork and project management skills. The documentation process, including photos and testimonials, highlights the tangible benefits of the initiative while encouraging participants to assess the workshop's effectiveness and areas for improvement.
Задание номер 1
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1. Collaborate with peers to develop a workshop on digital literacy or civic education.
2. Document its impact on participants.
Evidence: Submit photos, testimonials, or a project summary.


#Enhance learning & development
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Network of Cities and Regions of Learning

Используется в плейлистах

Empowered Learners: Advancing Quality Learning
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
Создано на European Youth Goals
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