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CLYouth Virtual Exchanges

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CLYouth Virtual Exchanges

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This playlist includes the 9 Virtual Exchanges implemented in the framework of the project Cities of Learning: Youth Co-Design learning, civic and career pathways and organised by the Cities and Regions of Learning Network together with Associazione Interculturale Nur.

This series of nine VEs included activities focussing on:
  • Non-Formal Learning
  • Future skills
  • Youth leadership
  • Advocacy
  • Policy recommendations drafting
  • Developing new digital competencies
  • Online facilitation
  • Effective communication and promotion
  • Open Badges for learning recognition
...and much more!

To get this badge, participants must have taken part in all nine of the mentioned Virtual Exchanges.

These Virtual Exchanges were aimed at participants aged 16-30 coming from the Cities and Regions of Learning of Sachsen-Anhalt (Germany), Cagliari (Italy), Vilnius (Lithuania), Tilburg (Netherlands), Tønsberg and Vestfold-og-Telemark (Norway), Novi Sad (Serbia), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Lorca (Spain).

This project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Dejavnosti za dokončanje

Opravite naslednje aktivnosti, prislužite si značke in videli boste posodobitev napredka na seznamu predvajanja
CLYouth Virtual Exchanges: Perspectives on non-formal education
2 ure
Prikaži celotno aktivnost


This is the 9th and last of the Virtual Exchanges that we implemented in the framework of the project Cities of Learning: Youth Co-design learning, civic and career pathways.

Project timeline

Infographic by Agne Rapalaite

On this final exchange, we will evaluate the long journey we’ve been on together, on and off, since 2020 and then give the space to the young people themselves to organise some farewell online activities, which will serve the double goal of celebrating together all that we did and achieved during this long project, and also give an opportunity to the young leaders to practice their online facilitation skills.
Together, we will:
  • reconnect with the group of participants
  • evaluate the project, both in terms of general achievements and results, and delving a bit deeper into the learning points and opportunities
  • talk briefly about future plans and possibilities
  • celebrate our final meeting with fun activities organised and led by young people, thus developing some online facilitation skills
  • explore digital Open Badges for learning recognition
  • have fun and meet people coming from different European countries

The Virtual Exchange will start at 18:30 CEST on Zoom and it will last approximately 3h.
This activity is aimed at participants aged 16-30 who have taken part in any of this project’s previous activities, coming from the Cities and Regions of Learning of Sachsen-Anhalt (Germany), Cagliari (Italy), Vilnius (Lithuania), Tilburg (Netherlands), Tønsberg and Vestfold-og-Telemark (Norway), Novi Sad (Serbia), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Lorca (Spain).

To participate, register HERE until Monday 1st of August.

Find out more about Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges:


  • Registration form (Zoom)

Pridobite značko aktivnosti

Virtual Exchange to the nines Pridobi to značko

Informacije o značkiPotrditve
I have participated in the 9th and last of the Virtual Exchanges implemented in the framework of the project Cities of Learning: Youth Co-design learning, civic and career pathways (CLYouth or Youth Co-Design) and organised by the Cities and Regions of Learning Network and Associazione Interculturale Nur.

In this meeting aimed at evaluating the entire project journey and celebrating its results and achievements, participants have:
  • self-reflected on their learning and evaluated the project’s results and impact
  • discussed future plans and opportunities
  • organised and led celebratory online activities, practicing online facilitation
  • developed digital facilitation skills
  • Cities and Regions of Learning and CLYouth
  • digital Open Badges for learning recognition

The Virtual Exchange has taken place online on August 2nd 2022.
Naloga št.1
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Participate in the Virtual Exchange!


#verbalno se sporazumevati v angleščini
#pripovedovati zgodbe
#sporazumevati se s pomočjo digitalnih tehnologij
#oblikovati podporne kampanje
#delati v skupinah
#vrednotiti usposabljanje
#tržne tehnike družbenih medijev
#kazati medkulturno ozaveščenost
#spodbujati mladinsko delo v lokalni skupnosti
#prečna znanja in spretnosti/prečne kompetence
#kreativno uporabljati digitalne tehnologije
#informacijska in komunikacijska tehnologija
#vladna politika
#razvijati izobraževalne dejavnosti
#strateško načrtovanje
#načrtovati skupinsko delo
#poglobljeno proučevati lastno prakso
#izvajati javne predstavitve
Aktivnosti: 9
Začeto: 1
Dokončan seznam predvajanja: 1
Potreben čas za dokončanje: 16 ura 30 minuta


Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
Badgecraft vodi spletno infrastrukturo za mesta in regije učenja in jo razvija skupaj z vodilnimi izobraževalnimi organizacijami. Evropski konzorcij razvija to platformo s pomočjo sofinanciranja programa Evropske unije Erasmus+. Kontaktirajte
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