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Sustainability: Discussion

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PregledZnačke znanja

Sustainability: Discussion

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Congratulations! You're almost at the end of this playlist!
Now is the time to see how other's dealt with the challenges, what they learned, which problems they faced... and of course to share your thoughts and ideas with others.

To do so, we created a Jamboard. Check it out, exchange and discuss with others and add your thoughts:

Preuzmi značku znanja aktivnosti

Sustainability: Discussion Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

The owner of this badge challenged himself/ herself by changing to a more sustainable behaviour. He/ She shared his/ her ideas and thoughts with others to exchange ideas, problems and solutions.
Morate da završite sve zadatke kako biste dobili značku znanja
Zadatak broj1
Dokaz verifikovan od strane: jedan/na organizator/ka aktivnosti
Visit the jamboard. Add at least 2 comments or thoughts ( by adding notes) to the jamboard and take a screenshot to upload it here.
Zadatak broj2
Dokaz verifikovan od strane: jedan/na organizator/ka aktivnosti
What do you think about the challenge ideas from the others? Do they inspire you?

Do you have anything to share with us about the topic of sustainability? Do you have ideas for a brider suistainable future?
Internacionalno i interkulturalno
Dodato na plejlistu (1)
Vreme za završetak: 20 minuta
Podelite :


Sachsen-Anhalt Region of Learning

Koristi se u plejlistama

Sustainability: Challenge yourself for our future!
Sachsen-Anhalt Region of Learning
Kreirano na Sachsen Anhalt Region of Learning
Badgecraft drži i razvija ovu platformu sa vodećim obrazovnim organizacijama. Program Evropske unije Erasmus+ odobrio je sufinansiranje za izradu prve verzije ove platforme. Kontaktirajte
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Kofinansirano kroz Erasmus+ program Evropske Komisije
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