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Digital Team Building

2. Generative AI User

Informații despre insignăValidări
I used Generative AI tool to create an image, which represented my team’s spirit animal.
This badge was earned in the context of Training for Trainers on Digital Competences, which took place in Lithuania on 4 - 10 July 2024.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: auto-aprobare
☝️ Discuss what could be your team spirit animal, which would represent special features/ superpwoers of all your team members.
🐲 Use any Generative AI-based tool to create an image of that animal. It can be an imaginary one, combining all the superpowers of your team members.
📲 Upload an AI tool generated image and write what tool you used to create.
☝️ It is enough that one team member creates one image and all members upload the same image.
🧭 Location: anywhere, where you can catch wifi network

If you don't have your favourite AI tool, here are some possible tools:
Dall-E mini generator on (does not require login)
Artbreeder: (does not require login)
Open Art AI: (requires login)
Leonardo AI: (requires login)

Imaginary Spirit Animal created by tool.

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Meșteșuguri și fabricare


#encourage creativity in the team
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