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Gathering for Trainers on Life Management competences

Monday, May 5, 2025 18:00 - May 11, 10:00
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Gathering for Trainers on Life Management competences

Monday, May 5, 2025 18:00 - May 11, 10:00


We invite trainers to explore how to navigate the complexities of a trainer’s life—emotionally, physically, legally, financially, and in terms of opportunities. Join us on a holistic learning journey into shaping sustainable trainers’ pathways!

Dates: 5(arrival)-11(departure) May 2025
Country: Lithuania

Application form:
Deadline to apply: 3rd April 2025

Are you an experienced trainer looking for a space to reflect on the challenges of a trainer’s life? Do you seek strategies to balance emotional resilience, financial stability, legal security, and professional growth?

This event offers a dedicated space to exchange best practices, uncover life hacks, and co-develop tools for managing the often-overlooked aspects of a trainer’s journey. Drawing from the collective wisdom of the trainers’ community, we will explore practical strategies through peer learning, intervention, coaching, reflection, and hands-on activities outdoors and indoors.

We’ll also share practices and insights from the trainers’ community, developed via the project “Holistic Trainer” by the International Youth Work Trainers Guild in cooperation with other training organisations.

Specifically, here are the objectives of the event:
  • To strengthen the trainer’s professional identity and clarity of the role;
  • To increase emotional and physical resilience in training situations and beyond;
  • To increase skills in seeking and managing training opportunities
  • To explore trainer “life hacks” when dealing with travels, legal issues, and other essential aspects of a trainer’s life.

Highlights of this training activity:

  • A holistic approach to learning - through experience, reflection, physical and cognitive activities indoors and outdoors.
  • Focus on well-being as a topic and an integral part of the gathering.
  • This course is part of the Erasmus+ long-term accreditation programme implemented by NGO Awero and its partners. More about the programme.
  • Focuses primarily on international youth work training context
  • Digital-friendly - the training and competence assessment methodology and activities will include using digital tools and platforms, such as and digital Open Badges.
  • Long-term development opportunity: Participants willing to continue to develop their professional trainers’ competencies will be invited to apply for upcoming training courses in other competence areas.
  • Endorsed by the broad partnership of Cities of Learning members and other national and international organisations from the youth work field, including the International Youth Work Trainers Guild.

Participants profile:

This course is for people who are:
  • Trainers* in the field of youth work (locally or internationally)
  • Age: from 18 years.
  • Language: a sufficient level of English is necessary to participate in this course.
  • Erasmus+ Programme countries: Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.

*The Trainer in the field of youth is defined as someone “who shapes, guides and accompanies the learning processes of individuals or groups. Trainers design and implement educational activities based on the values and principles of youth work and non-formal learning; they create conditions that promote the learners’ individual development, and they shape the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary for youth work”*

Programme facilitators

The international team of facilitators will facilitate the trainers' gathering:
  • Laimonas Ragauskas is a co-founder of Awero and a member of the International Youth Work Trainers Guild. Laimonas has facilitated training and learning for over 20 years in Europe and beyond. His main interests and passions are innovation, digital transformation, recognition of non-formal learning with Open Badges, digital youth work, and digital facilitation of online courses and events.
  • Ekaterina (Katya) Sherer Sherer is a member of the International Youth Work Trainers Guild. Katya is a freelance trainer and consultant in the Youth Field, delivering training and creating experiences for 20 years on local and international levels. My passion is non-formal education, lifelong learning, recognition of Non-formal Learning, online learning, and Human Rights Education! I believe each person has a great potential for learning, discovering, and developing; we need to find the key to it and create a safe and inspiring space for each participant.
  • Nerijus Kriauciunas co-founded Awero, a Cities of Learning Network coordinator, and an International Youth Work Trainers Guild member. Nerijus has more than 20 years of experience as a freelance trainer in youth. He is passionate about and involved in using digital Open Badges to recognize learning. Involved in developing EduTech solutions tailored to the youth work sector.

Digital credentials and certification

This activity is a unique opportunity for participants to use up-to-date and digital recognition solutions, such as digital Open Badges and Trainers Appraisal platform. Participants can use the 360-degree competence assessment, earn digital badges, and receive certificates that prove their competence development.
Youthpass process and certificate will also be offered to participants joining this activity.
Watch this video explaining how partners build competence assessment, validation and recognition systems.

Participants recruitment and selection:

Please apply using this form: 
Our trusted partners will pre-select and nominate participants based on your profile and motivation.


Participation fee
We ask for a 100 euro contribution fee to enable diverse activities and a high-quality programme with a team of 3 trainers and external experts. The payment will be deducted from the reimbursement for travel costs. In justified cases, participants may request a discount or waive the contribution.

Accommodation and food
This course is partially co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, so the organisers will cover most of the costs:
  • Accommodation (shared rooms with 2-3 people), food, partial training programme implementation costs, trainers' fees.
  • Special needs support is covered based on actual costs, but both parties must agree on the amount.

Travel reimbursement
Travel costs will be reimbursed based on the actual expenses not exceeding the lump sums based on the travel distances, in Euro:
  • 10-99 km - 28 / green travel - 56
  • 100-499 km - 211/ green travel - 285
  • 500-1999 km - 309/ green travel - 417
  • 2000-2999 km - 395/ green travel - 535
  • 3000 - 3999 km 580/ green travel - 785

Only justified costs will be eligible for reimbursement. Local transfer costs 20-25 Euros. It will be included in the overall travel costs. If your travel will exceed the lump sums above, the remaining costs shall be covered by the participant or their sending organisation.

Participants may opt for the “green travel” options for a slightly higher travel budget. Please get in touch with the organiser ( for more information about eligible green travel options.


  • Application form

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Gathering for Trainers on Life Management competences Get this badge

Explore how to navigate the complexities of a trainer’s life—emotionally, physically, legally, financially, and in terms of opportunities. Complete a holistic learning journey into shaping sustainable trainers’ pathways.
This event offered a dedicated space to exchange best practices, uncover life hacks, and co-develop tools for managing the often-overlooked aspects of a trainer’s journey. Drawing from the collective wisdom of the trainers’ community, participants explored practical strategies through peer learning, intervention, coaching, reflection, and hands-on activities outdoors and indoors.

Specifically, the objectives of the event were:
  • To strengthen the trainer’s professional identity and clarity of the role;
  • To increase emotional and physical resilience in training situations and beyond;
  • To increase skills in seeking and managing training opportunities
  • To explore trainer “life hacks” when dealing with travels, legal issues, and other essential aspects of a trainer’s life.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Participate in the activity, learn, provide learning evidence and earn a defined number of badges to get this main badge of the event!
Learning to learn
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Time to complete: 5 days 16 hours


Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union