
Empowered Learners: Advancing Quality Learning


Empowered Learners: Advancing Quality Learning



This playlist invites young people to explore the value of non-formal education and citizenship education, ensuring their role as informed, active citizens. Participants will engage in activities that promote critical thinking, foster civic knowledge, and develop skills for meaningful community involvement. By earning recognition, participants will showcase their commitment to advancing the European Youth Goal #4: Quality Learning.
Why should you care?
Access Knowledge: Explore opportunities for non-formal education and its validation.
Civic Engagement: Learn how active citizenship enhances democracy and human rights.
Skill Development: Gain competencies in leadership, collaboration, and advocacy.
Community Impact: Apply knowledge to foster inclusive and participatory practices.
Earn Recognition: Showcase your contribution through badges that highlight your achievements.

In order for you to take this badge you will need to complete all the activities related to this playlist.

Baigti renginius

Atlikite šias veiklas, gaukite ženkliukus ir pamatysite grojaraščio progresą
Unlocking Non-Formal Education
Nežinoma trukmė
Peržiūrėti visą veiklą


Objective Analysis: This activity seeks to deepen participants' understanding of non-formal education by focusing on its flexibility, adaptability, and relevance to lifelong learning. By reflecting on community-based examples, participants learn to identify key elements that make non-formal education impactful and how these elements can be applied to their own personal growth.

Detailed Description: Participants begin by researching local or regional non-formal education programs to understand their methodologies, target audiences, and success factors. The activity promotes self-reflection, encouraging participants to consider their own educational journeys and how non-formal learning might enhance their skill sets. Sharing insights with peers fosters a collaborative learning environment while the final reflective piece ensures introspection and personal connection to the topic.

Gauk veiklos ženkliuką

Unlocking Non-Formal Education Gauk šį ženkliuką

Ženkliuko informacijaPripažinimas
Objective Analysis: This activity seeks to deepen participants' understanding of non-formal education by focusing on its flexibility, adaptability, and relevance to lifelong learning. By reflecting on community-based examples, participants learn to identify key elements that make non-formal education impactful and how these elements can be applied to their own personal growth.

Detailed Description: Participants begin by researching local or regional non-formal education programs to understand their methodologies, target audiences, and success factors. The activity promotes self-reflection, encouraging participants to consider their own educational journeys and how non-formal learning might enhance their skill sets. Sharing insights with peers fosters a collaborative learning environment while the final reflective piece ensures introspection and personal connection to the topic.
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio narys
Objective: Understand the significance of non-formal education.
  • Research examples of successful non-formal education programs in your community.
  • Share insights on why these programs are impactful.
  • Write a reflection on how you can benefit from non-formal learning.
  • Evidence: Submit your reflection or presentation summarizing key learnings.


Komotini 691 00, Greece
Citizenship Education in Action
Nežinoma trukmė


#Enhance learning & development
#Enhance learning & development
#Enhance learning & development
#Enhance learning & development
#Enhance learning & development
#Enhance learning & development
Renginiai: 5
Pradėta: 1
Pabaigė grojaraštį: 0


Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
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