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Designing educational programmes
Privacy not included
#Is comfortable with exploring and experimenting digital technologies and tools, #Knows about power structures behind digital technologies and connected issues as datification, etc, #Is aware of the regulations and elaborates a safety plan, incorporating online privacy procedures and online behavioural recommendations when needed, #Knows and applies GDPR regulations in collecting, processing and sharing data, #Identifies and prevents risks connected to collecting and sharing data , #Choose and designing appropriate methods for collecting, interpreting and disseminating information (data, resources, findings, etc.)
Designing educational programmes
#Is comfortable with exploring and experimenting digital technologies and tools, #Choose and designing appropriate methods for collecting, interpreting and disseminating information (data, resources, findings, etc.), #Refers to various ways of collecting information, #Identifies and prevents risks connected to collecting and sharing data , #Identifies the information relevant to an issue or a question, #Knows about power structures behind digital technologies and connected issues as datification, etc
Facilitating learning processes
#Selecting, adapting or creating appropriate methods, #Identifies analog and/or digital methods and their sources, suitable for different environments and situations, #Explains the methodologies used in youth training when choosing, adapting and creating methods, #Applies methodologies used in youth training when choosing or adapting methods, #Creates and adjusts methods according to different environments and situations
Learning to learn
#Assessing one’s own learning achievements and competences, #Applies appropriate methods and digital tools for assessment and self-assessment of their own learning achievements, #Is comfortable with exploring and experimenting digital technologies and tools
Designing educational programmes
#Demonstrates an understanding of different educational methods and concepts for needs assessment, #Assesses learners’ needs before or at the very beginning of the training activity, #Addresses learners’ needs through an adequate and tailored educational approach, #Demonstrates a genuine interest in learners’ needs, #Identifies and recommends digital learning tools and resources to fulfil learners needs, #Recognises learners’ needs and limitations including different skills and literacies as well as any changes in the situation
Intercultural competence
#Reflecting acceptance of ambiguity and change, #Refers to theories, concepts and experiences that relate to ambiguity and change in the activity and when designing the educational approach, #Uses appropriate tools and methods to support learners in deconstructing and reconstructing reality (tackling stereotypes, prejudices, assumptions, fake news, misinformation, etc.), #Dares to face and deal adequately with ambiguity with regard to the group’s and individuals’ realities
Facilitating learning processes
#Understanding and facilitating group dynamic in a way that is conducive to different ways of learning, #Dentifies changing factors and different stages of group processes, #Adjusts group processes according to any identified change in factors, #Empathises with learners, #Respects different ways of learning and shows flexibility
Learning to learn
#Assessing one’s own learning achievements and competences, #Acknowledging and dealing with unexpected learning moments and outcomes
Learning to learn
International Youth Work Trainers Guild
#Identifying learning objectives and pursuing them pro-actively, #Understands how learning can be organised in an effective and meaningful way and diverse learning environments, including online, #Demonstrates understanding of the importance of values and how to design opportunities for value-based learning in a learning process, #Analyses learners’ strengths, weaknesses and learning opportunities , #Motivates and supports the implementation of the learning plan, #Explicitly encourages and enables learners to take responsibility for their own learning process, #Undergoing personal/ professional development through feedback, #Shows willingness to learn from others, even those who might hold different values and worldviews, #Acknowledging and dealing with unexpected learning moments and outcomes, #Changes learning processes accordingly
Learning to learn
International Youth Work Trainers Guild
#Identifying learning objectives and pursuing them pro-actively, #Understands how learning can be organised in an effective and meaningful way and diverse learning environments, including online, #Motivates and supports the implementation of the learning plan, #Explicitly encourages and enables learners to take responsibility for their own learning process, #Undergoing personal/ professional development through feedback, #Shows willingness to learn from others, even those who might hold different values and worldviews, #Acknowledging and dealing with unexpected learning moments and outcomes, #Demonstrates an understanding of learning as a continuous process, #Trains focus on planned learning objectives while remaining open to incorporating unplanned ones
Learning to learn
International Youth Work Trainers Guild
#Identifying learning objectives and pursuing them pro-actively, #Understands how learning can be organised in an effective and meaningful way and diverse learning environments, including online, #Motivates and supports the implementation of the learning plan, #Undergoing personal/ professional development through feedback, #Understands the values and mechanisms of feedback, #Shows willingness to learn from others, even those who might hold different values and worldviews, #Acknowledging and dealing with unexpected learning moments and outcomes, #Demonstrates an understanding of learning as a continuous process
Learning to learn
International Youth Work Trainers Guild
#Identifying learning objectives and pursuing them pro-actively, #Understands how learning can be organised in an effective and meaningful way and diverse learning environments, including online, #Motivates and supports the implementation of the learning plan, #Understands the values and mechanisms of feedback, #Undergoing personal/ professional development through feedback, #Shows willingness to learn from others, even those who might hold different values and worldviews
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union